Vulnerability. Why is it so hard?

The Power of Vulnerability and Eight ways to lean in

Vulnerability. The very word can make us clutch our chest in panic. Most of us have spent a lifetime protecting ourselves against the feeling of Vulnerability. In my family system Vulnerability was seen as weakness. It was a trait seen as beautiful in others but not in ourselves. Weird combination of feelings to have. To experience true vulnerability in another had always created an undoing in me. A softening, a yearning to step in, to lay down my sword and shield and open. Yet in doing so, my inner voice told me it would be weak and foolish. So for years I remained slightly apart. Society has taught us to wear masks of invulnerability. To keep our emotions tightly locked away. Vulnerability has been labeled as a sign of weakness, something to be avoided at all costs. But here's the truth: vulnerability is the birthplace of human connections and personal growth. Picture vulnerability as the secret weapon hidden in your emotional arsenal, waiting to set you free. It's time to unleash its power.
Peeling Away the Armor
Leaning into vulnerability means shedding the armor that shields us from the world. It means showing up as our authentic selves, with all our flaws and imperfections. It's about being brave enough to confront our deepest fears and insecurities.
Strength in Vulnerability
Contrary to popular belief, vulnerability is not a weakness; it's a superpower. It takes immense courage to open up, to let others in, and to share our true selves. In that vulnerability, we find strength. We tap into an inner reservoir of resilience and learn to embrace uncertainty.
Authentic Connections
When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, something magical happens. Genuine connections blossom. By sharing our struggles, hopes, and dreams, we create spaces for others to do the same. These connections become lifelines, reinforcing our sense of belonging and propelling us towards personal growth.
Embracing Imperfection
Society teaches us to strive for perfection, but vulnerability reminds us that it's in our imperfections where true beauty lies. We are not drawn towards perfection, instead we seek out and see beauty in fragility, innocence, the unique, the strength of a human who has embraced their authenticity in a world of societal expectations. Embracing our flaws creates a space for self-acceptance and self-compassion. It allows us to break free and live life on our own terms.
Writing Your Vulnerability Story
One of the most powerful ways to harness the punch of vulnerability is through storytelling. Sharing your personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs not only helps you heal but also inspires and empowers others. Therapy is often the first place people feel trusting and connected enough to let their guard down and let themselves be. I invite you to find a safe place or a safe person to be vulnerable enough to share, cry, yell, move the emotions through your body knowing you are held, seen and worthy.
Celebrate Your Journey
While vulnerability can be daunting, remember to celebrate every step you take towards being more open and genuine. Each stride towards authenticity is a step closer to living a fuller, more meaningful life. Embrace vulnerability, for it is there that your true strength lies. Vulnerability invites vulnerability. Watch as your authenitic emotions light a fire under other people and they too lean into Vulnerability.

Here are 8 ways to practice Vulnerability:

  • Ask for help

  • Tell People what you need

  • Be honest about your struggles

  • Express your feelings

  • Apologize

  • Accept your mistakes and flaws

  • Stop performing (show up authentically)

  • Say I love you

From one soul healer to another….



The courage to Choose Therapy